
2 Meter Mayhem

As part of a university project, we were tasked with making a game that could be part of an ad campaign.

One of our team members thought of "Please give me space", a visual brand of posters and products developed by Hidden Disabilities Sunflower and the RNIB, with support from the Cabinet Office, to politely promote social distancing.

So we made a game about how hard it is to shop in a grocery store and keep an eye on all other shoppers.

2 Meter Mayhem - Gameplay Trailer
2 Meter Mayhem - Demo of my work

My job was to manage the containers (hot dog stands, food racks, freezers), make sure they were stocked and items were removed when the player took them.

I also worked on the "covid meter" that counted up whenever the player got too close to other shoppers.

I also was responsible for the other shoppers (NPCs that randomly wander around but still keep a proper distance from each other) and the "annoying friend" (a person that path finds towards you and does not keep distance).

For this I generated a grid of points for the NPCs to walk over and used A*.